Sunday, September 29, 2024

GAS: Put blame on the consumer

| March 23, 2012 9:00 PM

To the 42 percent of people who voted on the online poll that President Obama is to blame for the recent rise in gas prices, thank you for showing just how ignorant you are. Typical Right Wing Republican response.

To understand the rise in gas prices, is to understand supply and demand. To think that the president has anything to do with it, is absurd. If we, greedy Americans, didn’t have such a desire to drive big SUVs, usually by ourselves, we would needn’t so much gasoline, thus lowering the demand for it. American consumerism is to blame mostly, for the rising gas prices and for you right wingers who are trying to use this to win an election in a few months, good luck with that. Hopefully, Americans as a whole won’t show that much ignorance come election day.


Coeur d’Alene