Tuesday, May 14, 2024

ABORTION: Here’s the real choice

| April 28, 2024 1:00 AM

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was a book that dramatically changed attitudes toward slavery in the 1850s. It illustrated to Northerners, who had no personal experience with slaves, what it was like to be a slave in the South.

Slave-owners from the beginning had justified the evils of slavery by framing slaves as property rather than as human beings with inherent rights and dignity. Even after the Civil War was won and slavery was abolished, opponents of Emancipation & Reconstruction worked to erode the gains for which many had shed their blood. 

Imagine for a moment that they had been successful and slavery had become legal again? Thankfully, black and white teachers from the North and South, missionary organizations, churches and schools all worked tirelessly to give the newly emancipated population the opportunity to reach their potential through education, and black people began to make choices for themselves.

One year ago another moral battle was won in America. It took 50 years, and the violent termination of 60 million pregnancies, but, “… the unconstitutional nonsense that was Roe v. Wade finally ended.” (Justice Anthony Scalia) 

Just as good people resisted those who would deny black Americans the choice to escape slavery and become citizens in a free society, we must also resist the abortion industry, who want us to believe that pre-born babies do not have the same value as other human beings. Are we to conclude that, “the circumstances of one’s conception…change the condition of one’s worth…?” (Ryan Bomberger, Emmy award-winning Creative Professional and a child born of rape). 

The “choice” we face is not whose life has more value, the mother or her baby. The choice we face is, does a human being that just needs enough time to get out of the womb deserve our protection? 

