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Is your immune system ready for allergy season?

by Dr. Wendy/Hayden Health
| March 26, 2014 9:00 PM

March is the beginning of allergy season, when many people start to notice itchy, watery eyes and nose, sneezing, and coughing. At least one out of every five Americans suffers from allergies. Common causes of allergy symptoms include food allergies such as peanuts or milk, and seasonal resulting from grass, weed, tree pollen, or various molds. Cat or dog allergies can also cause symptoms.

Allergies differ from other forms of sickness in that they are the result of an overactive immune system. Upper respiratory allergies develop when a foreign particle is inhaled and makes contact with the nasal mucosa. This allergen then interacts with an antigen-presenting cell. If the immune system is out of balance, a whole cascade of inflammatory cytokines ultimately trigger a histamine response, and the result can make spring uncomfortable for many. Luckily, there are simple steps that can greatly decrease the symptoms of allergies.

Avoid highly inflammatory foods such as sugar and wheat that can exacerbate an already compromised system. Proper identification and elimination of other reactive foods will decrease the threshold, so when the pollen flies it will not stress the immune system as much. A healthy immune system needs lots of organic vegetables, fruits and lean protein.

Balance your intake of Omega fatty acids. The more out of balance the Omega 6 (pro-inflammatory) / Omega 3 (anti-inflammatory) ratio is, the more susceptible everyone is to an improper allergy response.

Drink plenty of pure clean water to aid in flushing out the substances that are causing the reaction.

High quality supplements can make all the difference in combating seasonal allergies. There are many healthy and effective alternatives to OTC and prescription medications.

Get adjusted! Chiropractic adjustments are crucial for immune system health in combating allergies. Seeing a practitioner that can integrate multiple therapies known to help allergies (chiropractic, acupuncture, nutrition, low level laser therapy) often leads to the most successful results.

For more information, please contact Dr. Wendy at