Monday, June 17, 2024


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Healthy Community

What's happening in our healthy community? For information and details regarding daily lifestyle, see our articles below.

Updated 5 days, 12 hours ago

ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Rosé All Day: Exploring fun pink wines from around the globe

Rosé has been having a major moment lately, shedding its former reputation as a simple summer sipper. Today's rosé…

Updated 5 days, 12 hours ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — A commitment to patient-centered care

Direct Primary Care (DPC) is revolutionizing the health care landscape, offering a refreshing departure from the traditional fee-for-service model. In essence, DPC fosters a direct relationship between patients and…

Updated 5 days, 12 hours ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Hair Loss: A growing problem with solutions

Hair loss is a growing problem today. It is partially evidenced by the number of men with male pattern baldness choosing to just shave their heads. Women too a…

Updated 1 week, 5 days ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Clos Apalta: A legacy of passion and excellence

With June off to a fast start, we are over the moon with excitement as we jump right into our Sommelier Club month. For this release, we are thrilled to share …

Updated 1 week, 5 days ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Psoriasis: Beyond skin deep

More and more people across the world suffer from psoriasis and other skin disorders. The incidence of psoriasis in the U.S. is about 2-3% or about 7.5 million…

Updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Shedding light on effective acne treatment

Acne, a common skin condition affecting millions worldwide, poses both physical and emotional challenges for those afflicted. While numerous treatments exist, …

Updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Summer Sippers: Wines to savor as the weather warms

As the days grow longer and the temperatures start to rise, our wine preferences often shift toward lighter, more refreshing styles. Summer is a time for relax…

Updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Reframing Depression: Taking back control

Struggling with persistent unwelcome emotions is not new. But the escalation of mental health diagnoses is alarming. Doctors are quick to medicate someone who …

Updated 2 weeks, 5 days ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Pain in the hands, may be radiculopathy

“Cervical radiculopathy is the clinical description of when a nerve root in the cervical spine becomes inflamed or damaged, resulting in a change in neurologic…

Updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Navigating the world of wine ratings: A guide for the discerning oenophile

In the vast and intricate world of wine, ratings have become an indispensable tool for enthusiasts and collectors alike, providing a roadmap to navigate the se…

Updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Food sensitivities start in the gut

Your gut (starting with the mouth and ending at the opposite end) is instrumental when it comes to food allergies and sensitivities. In altered gut function, t…

Updated 1 month ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Beyond TSH: Other helpful thyroid tests

Thyroid disorders are one of the many diseases on the upswing. There are an estimated 20 million people in the U.S. with thyroid disease of one form or another…

Updated 1 month ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — The Natural Wine Movement: A return to roots

For wine drinkers seeking a more authentic, minimalist approach to their favorite beverage, the natural wine movement has been gaining momentum. But what exact…

Updated 1 month ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — Pickleball injuries on the rise

As the sport continues to grow in popularity, the excitement around pickleball isn't showing signs of slowing down.

Updated 1 month, 1 week ago
ADVERTISING: Advertorial — A celebration of Oregon's vibrant wine scene

As the month of May ushers in warmer weather and longer days, wine lovers across the state have something extra special to toast — Oregon Wine Month. This annu…