Sunday, June 16, 2024

My Turn: One simple step to reverse the slide

by DEBORAH ROSE/Guest Opinion
| April 5, 2024 1:00 AM

Many people live their lives in passion for truth, justice and the American way. 

They give their time in service to help and uplift their neighbors and others. 

They encourage individual autonomy, discerning thought and personal responsibility. 

Their words of wisdom and true common sense are printed weekly in opinion pieces in The Press, and their community service is recognized at nonprofit agency events. 

They bring vital lifeblood into our community’s economy, and they foster necessary cohesiveness that makes Kootenai County and Idaho a great place to live. 

Their actions benefit the collective whole in broad scope while advocating for effective individual solutions. They seek to leave this world a better place for future generations. 

These are kind-hearted people who possess a true Christian spirit. You will know them by the fruits of their overwhelming generosity of time and personal resources.

Many of these productive folks are members of the North Idaho Republicans who can be relied upon for their spiritual maturity and integrity. They care about the well-being of our community and the welfare of each community member. This assessment helps to explain why they are not associated with the current Kootenai County Republican Central Committee. 

These folks are committed to working tirelessly to reverse the trajectory of doom set into motion by the Dorothy Moon and the Brent Regan machines.

In contrast, there are those who come along, seemingly out of dark, smoky rooms at a cigar bar or KCRCC clandestine subcommittee meetings where nefarious scheming can take place.

The passion of these individuals has produced chaos from their unyielding intent to gain and maintain power and control over your life experiences. 

The fruit of their labor makes shocking headline news. They are praised by propagandists. Their actions are challenged regularly in thought-provoking and fact-based opinion pieces. 

These individuals use dehumanizing and defamatory labels for those they consider their “enemy.” Terms such as “RINO,” “groomer,” “pedophile,” “democrap” and “a disgusting animal” are some favorites they use. These degrading and churlish labels have been voiced by current KCRCC members toward fellow Republicans.

As a side note, KCRCC chairman Brent Regan has publicly stated he represents ALL Republicans in Kootenai County. But, does he really? 

As a Republican do you feel he accurately represents your values? Does his mean-spirited and disruptive demeanor demonstrated in his rhetorical tantrums match your values?

When I contemplate what Mr. Regan and the KCRCC represents, I am reminded of the wisdom of Don Quixote, “When the head aches, all the members partake in the pain.” 

What a fitting concept when considering the leadership and facilitation Regan provides as head of the KCRCC. A lot of unnecessary suffering has occurred, rooted in reckless decisions made by current KCRCC members.

The contradictory dichotomy playing out in our local and state Republican Party is held between a collective sincerity seeking to ward off oppressive and dysfunctional influence in our community government and the party radicals seeking uncompromising control. The infiltration into our government institutions of these influences has deprived many of equal access and equal consideration. 

It will take a significant community effort to extract some necessary degree of social and fiscal order from all the chaos and financial irresponsibility we have endured lately from our government institutions run by KCRCC-recommended officials. 

There is clearly a crisis of confidence in the current KCRCC. 

We need all hands on deck to stop the disenfranchisement and the financial bleeding taking place. Unlike as it is now, we need a central committee and a delegation representative of well-rooted Republican Party tenets. The theocratic authoritarian approach of the Regan and Moon machine simply does not benefit our county and state.

It is with much appreciation and gratitude that I endorse all those who have stepped up to provide Kootenai County voters worthy choices for 70 of the precinct committee positions.

Like heroes in the dark of night precariously perched on the precipice, principled party members have come forth to save our community from the Regan machine’s destructive death grip. While you may not know these precinct candidates yet, they are your true friends. They have stepped up to look out for your best interest. 

From this day forward, we can focus our attention on hope of salvation. This salvation, however, can only be realized when voters do their part. 

Part of living in a participatory democracy requires voters do their own candidate research and remain well-informed. Voting is equally a major responsibility as it is a right. 

Voter apathy and disengagement has cost North Idaho taxpayers millions of dollars wasted. This apathy has also had a devastating impact on our quality of life and personal freedoms.

Seventy highly respected people are committed to put an end to the current KCRCC’s grave trajectory. Do your part by supporting them now and with your vote in May! Their names by precinct number can be located at:

“Never follow a leader who is more in love with power than people.” —Native American Proverb

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Deborah Rose is a Kootenai County resident and member of North Idaho Republicans. She's also a former Kootenai County Republican Central Committee official.